Tips for Teaching the Juniors

This age is able to read passages from the Bible. Class should provide frequent practice finding passages in Bible class.

These students are able to handle outside assignments in completing lessons, memory work, etc. mostly on their own. Give extra credit opportunities!

They are beginning to think about their own salvation so application should be further developed. However, great caution should be taken not to push them to be baptized when they aren’t mature enough to understand the commitment.

Fewer and different kinds of visuals are needed, but do continue to use visuals such as detailed, realistic pictures. Maps are vital.

Add hymns from the worship songbook occasionally to regular Bible class songs. Teach the boys how to lead the songs (and prayers). As the authority in the class, the teacher may do so. However, girls shouldn’t lead in a mixed class so they have the pattern God established engrained in them.

Use instruction and discussion in class. Avoid taking class time with busy work (puzzle pages or merely filling out workbook)

These students are able to memorize long passages, even whole chapters. They should know books of Bible by divisions and writers. Teach them the reason for memorizing (Thy Word have I hid in mine heart that I might not sin against thee Psa. 119:11).

They are beginning to think independently. The why of a lesson or principle must be discussed.

Students may challenge the teacher’s authority. Stay firm, fair, and consistent.

Teach from an open Bible instead of reading from a teacher’s manual.